I am starting to really feel like spring is around the corner! The temperatures are rising, the sun seems to appear more often and I am feeling much less ‘blah‘.
Normally, I do get towards the end of winter and say “I’m done with this, I want spring!” However this year, that feeling came MUCH EARLIER. Like the middle of January. I seriously struggled.
Where I am located, winter was pretty intense this past go around. Two months of -30C temps (as the high for the day), and a whole whack load of snow began to drain me. Plus two years of not being able to go on a hot, sunny vacation during the winter months did not help. Add in some issues with my truck starting (either it was the block heater or battery — both have since been fixed/replaced), and I found myself lazy, moody, and a lack of interest in life.
Pretty much, the vague idea of “SAD” – ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’.