I used to be a huge reader. I sometimes find myself feeling guilty that I don’t read nearly as much as I used to. However, I have – over the past few years – become a big listener of podcasts. I find them great to listen to while cleaning or doing other mindless tasks about the house. You can hear great stories, work on personal development or learn new skills!

Below is a list of my current favorites, I hope you find something that interests you!

Graham Wardle covers so many different topics and interviews guests with different view points for a unique combination to broaden your knowledge of the world around you.

Listening to Erin & Andy chat about crazy stories makes you feel like you’re sitting at a girl’s night. No topic is too taboo for these twins and my favorite recurring guest is their dad – Pops McIsaac!

A must listen for any entrepreneur looking to make it in the online space. It is geared towards personal trainers, but the information Dan & Kevin share is invaluable for any professional! Plus most episodes are super short and sweet!

Jen Szpigiel has been a dear friend for many years, and she has the kindest heart. Her ability to empower women to level up and be their best selves is truly remarkable. Whether you are an entrepreneur or stay-at-home mother, you will learn something about yourself while listening to her golden nuggets.

Language warning for this one! But Mark & Amanda interview so many interesting people. This is a podcast more relevant to massage therapists and other bodyworkers, but that’s not the true point of most of their discussions. So many stories are unleashed and I find myself laughing with each episode.

Wondery puts out some great stories! This is one that’s been developed into a Netflix series, but I highly suggest listening to if you can! This is a great story about a woman who gets entangled into a crazy complex web of love, deception, forgiveness, denial and even survival.

Season 1 covers a neurosurgeon who radiates confidence in his ability to take your most debilitating pain away with spine surgery. But soon patients start to experience severe complications and the system fails to protect them. I have not personally listened to any other seasons yet — to be honest I didn’t know there was more until now! But seeing as it is another podcast series from Wondery, I’m sure they will be great and its now on my list to listen to!

I hope you are able to find something on this list that intrigues you and gives you something to do while working about the house or on your daily commute (if you have one). Feel free to post in a comment below with your favorites for me and others to check out!

Take care,

xoxo Amy

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